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The Lord Jesus Christ gave the Great Commission to evangelize the world to the whole Church. Does that include you? I believe that anyone who has a desire to serve God, is called of God. Do you have a vision to conduct some kind of evangelistic outreach or to found a local Church? Perhaps, you've already launched out into a prison, rest home, or other ministry. And perhaps you've found that it's difficult to get a ministry going, because the devil and the world are against you; and even your own relatives and some ministers tend to discourage you. The public doesn't grant much credit to self-appointed ministers and unsponsored leaders, but by formally organizing your ministry and having an older established organization recommend and endorse you, it can help take you out of the amateur or novice class and put you over the top as a serious and approved work for God. Yes, it takes a lot of prayer, faith, work, and money, if you could get the proper recognition, it could help you get some financial support. Satan uses the lack of funds to hinder or utterly prevent the effective establishing of many Christian endeavors. Perhaps your heart's desire is to just win souls and attend to the purely spiritual aspects of ministering to people, but you know you need the financial strength of a legal foundation for your ministry; and maybe you haven't known exactly how to secure it. Well, God has just opened a door for you! The Full Gospel of Christ Fellowship understands your needs and is especially designed to assist you. We offer Bible correspondence courses, ministerial credentials, and other services. We do not insist upon a "package deal." You may take advantage of one thing, and leave all the rest.
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